Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So it's been a while since I posted anything... that is because life has been...
C R A Z Y!!!

We are now without a Manager at work. Travis has started his own gig and is doing well. We at the store feel like we are drowning at times, but I am sure it's all gonna work out. We (assistant managers and myself) are trying to keep the place running. Well mostly them & I am providing support and "what can I do to easy your work load?" help...

April was going good here at home with everyone well for once. Until, Tuesday the 14th... Ally came home with a fever of 102.9... never a good thing. It spiked to 103.7 before coming down to a reasonable 101. Went to the Dr the next day and though it was just a virus. Well by Friday we were back at the Dr getting blood drawn (which was a BAD experience and ended with her on the floor passed out) and running tests for strep, a CBC, and a MONO test. Well it ended up being MONO. Now before I go any longer, she was not kissing some boy. If you know her very well you know she has a BAD habit (which we are fixing) of drinking and eating after everyone. One of her friends had it and that is where she got it, drinking after someone. So now no soccer, Six Flags with Choir, and no Canada. That last one hurt the most. :( She was really looking forward to that.

I have had some very sleepless nights thanks to this lovely MONO virus. It can leave my house and NEVER come back thank you...

April 22nd... ahhh what a day. Our Church hosted the Phil Wickham/Charlie Hall concert. Packed house. Awesome worship. Don't have any other words... :)

April also brought the last weeks of my study on Esther. It was a wonderful 9 weeks and I can't wait to start on the next study, "Knowing God by Name". This one will be more on my own and for my own sanity as I seem to wonder and stray when I am not in full study of His word. But if anyone would like to join me let me know! No video just 7 weeks of learning about God's names and what they mean, and how it can deepen our relationship w/Him! :)

I've had some wonderful time with Greg this month. We've had some stress, but what relationship doesn't. I would worry if we got along all the time! :) Spent a couple of great evenings @ The Wedge and had "us" time. SOOOO important to do if your married w/kids. If you don't already have that time, make time and start! It's too easy to loose your relationship in the kids. You will be better for it, and your relationship will be stronger and trust me your kids will see it! (even if they don't say they do to you...)

So I guess that is all I have, nothing to deep, just my life as I see it... :)
