Monday, November 30, 2009

The year in review.... well kinda...

2009... what a year this has been...

Full of changes, sickness, out of country trips, camps, friends moving away, babies being born, new friendships, heartache, and happiness...

I've tried to take it all in and understand how it all fits into my life and how/who God is trying to shape me to be. (yes he's still shaping me... I'm just that stubborn) I know I may never understand it all but I'm trying...

He's allowed joy this year, and quite a bit of pain... but I'm still here... still growing and moving forward... well trying to anyway...

I'm going to have a 16yr old in less than 2 months... I don't know if I'm ready for that, but just like putting a rock on his head won't make him not grow taller, I can't keep him that little blond haired 5 yr old who couldn't wait to go see daddy on the "big boat"...

My baby girl is not a baby anymore either... she's going to be 15 next summer... wow I'm getting old...

I have 2 beautiful kids who love each other, even if they won't admit it in public, and who love their family and friends... what more can a Mom ask for...

I have a husband who still looks at me like he did when we were dating and tells me he loves me everyday more than once... He even takes me to Starbucks for dates even though he's not a big fan of "fourbucks" as he calls it...

I am blessed to work at a place where I can minister to those who are hurting, those who are looking for help for themselves or for a loved one... AND i can say "Merry Christmas" when greeting someone or answering the phone and not that happy holidays junk! hehe...

I don't know what all 2010 holds for me, but I am going to try my hardest and trust that God has plans for me, to bless me, not harm me...

He is good and all that He does is good... May your 2010 be a blessed year... even in the hard, painful times when you are not even sure you can get up out of bed... He alone will give you all you need...

Lamentations 3:25

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving... Really???

Okay I know this year has gone fast, but is it really Thanksgiving???? Seems like it was just August and Greg & I were going to Tulsa for a wedding and celebrating 16yrs of married life. Then school was starting...

Wow what a crazy few months this has been! Gonna have to dwell on this and all that has happened... lots to share!

Happy Turkey Day!


Lamentations 3:25