Sunday, March 13, 2011

Jesus of Suburbia....

The class I am helping "lead" this semester is reading a book called "The Jesus of Suburbia" by Mike Erre. The question under the title of the book is this: "Have we tamed the SON OF GOD to fit our lifestyle?" 

Ouch.... That hurts.... But sadly, I think we have done just that...

He talks about how we are like his young son, while on a trip to the zoo, he didn't want to leave the gift shop. He was just fine staying there and looking at the stuffed version of all the animals, even thought the real things were just outside the door...

We too get comfortable and pursue the Jesus of Suburbia instead of the Jesus of Nazareth... We see Christ as the "Sunday School" Jesus with that angelic face, blue eyes, and long hair. But that is not a true picture of Christ. We don't see him as he really is. A revolutionary... We tame him into a "safe" person to follow, when really, it's not safe. 

Jesus changed the world. He came here to bring hope, love, salvation, life to us. He gave up EVERYTHING for us. Are you ready and willing to do the same? We here in the United States have it pretty good. We don't usually risk our lives to go to church on Sundays. We can openly talk about our faith (for the most part) and not worry that someone will turn us in and we would be taken to jail.

And then there is the belief that when we become a Christian, that life will be a okay and NOTHING will ever go wrong. Sorry but that is just not true. Bad things happen to Christians all the time. Most of my life is not spent on the mountain top... it's in the valley... and I have learned to be okay with it... somewhat... Still working on that fully... 

When we are sharing the Gospel with someone we MUST remember that while God brings us salvation and hope, life still happens. Cancer still attacks bodies... Death still happens, and sometimes in tragic ways... But as a Christ follower we have a Hope BEYOND this world...

Paul talks about this in 2 Corinthians 11:21-28...
21 To my shame, I must say, we were too weak for that!
But whatever anyone else dares to boast of—I am speaking as a fool—I also dare to boast of that.
22 Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they offspring of Abraham? So am I.23 Are they servants of Christ? I am a better one—I am talking like a madman—with far greater labors, far more imprisonments, with countless beatings, and often near death.24 Five times I received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one.25 Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea;26 on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers;27 in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food,t in cold and exposure.28 And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches. 

You see, Paul gave up ALL that he knew. He was a Jew of Jews. He knew it all, did it all, but then Christ got a hold of him on that road and his whole life changed. Did he try and make Jesus fit into his lifestyle? No. He allowed Christ to USE him to spread the Gospel. He took risk after risk after risk. 

Are you willing to do the same? Are you ready to live the life Jesus of Nazareth has for you? 

Just some things to think on... 

Lamentations 3:25

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Murray is my puppy...

He is a standard/mini mix dachshund...

And let me tell you, he has it MADE in this house. There is almost always a lap to snuggle in. Food twice a day in his dish and then whatever else he can "con" out of us humans. Lots of toys to play with, and a warm bed to sleep in. No outside sleeping for him!

Now I tell you about my puppy because when you really think about it, a dogs life is really sometimes be what we should want. No I haven't gone crazy... Thinks about it. All a dog wants is food, a warm place to sleep, and someone to love us. Isn't that what WE really want? Food to eat, a roof over our head, and someone to love us.

Most of us in America have the first 2 things. But even if we have people around us a lot of us don't feel like we have that someone who loves us. We can spend our whole life looking for that ONE person to love us. Unconditionally. And we NEVER find it.

But there is someone who WANTS and DOES love us unconditionally...


He gave EVERYTHING just for us...

HE draws us to Him, but for some reason, a reason I do not claim to understand, some of us just walk on by and keep searching for earthly love to fill that void...

So here are my questions to you...

Will you keep walking by or stop and allow True Love to fill your life?

And if you have that True Love in your life, will you keep it all to yourself, or share that Love with others and show what HE has done for you?

All that from an observation of my puppy Murray... Thanks Murray! Momma does love you!

Lamentations 3:25

Monday, March 7, 2011

Season of Lent...

Tomorrow is "Fat Tuesday"....

Lent begins on Wednesday...

So much goes through my heart and mind this time of year. I am not Catholic, or Methodist, but even still the last several years I have participated in Lent. I feel like there are some traditions that truly bless spiritual lives that as a "Southern Baptist" I miss out on. I am so thankful to my sweet friend and her Husband for showing us Baptist's that it's okay to branch out and celebrate some of these traditions. What depth and joy it has brought to my life.

As I have thought and prayed about what this year of Lent is going to look like for me I have been at a loss.

And today it hit me. This last year has been a tough one for my family, the 4 in my house and my extended family that lives hundreds of miles away. There have been heavy hearts all year. Lots of grieving for family who had their live put on hold and changed forever due to the health of a son & grandson. And grieving for friends who have lost those they love. Each of those events I have done one thing. Pray. And each time, even when I don't fully understand, God has given me peace.

I have spent 11 months watching from a distance, reading the words posted, of a Mother & Grandmother of an 11 yr old boy who has been fighting for his life. And praise God he is beating the Cancer that has been attacking his body. It has been a LONG road for all of them. They are tired, beyond tired. BUT, in all of this they have praise the ONE who give life. The ONE who gives them the strength to go one each hour. What an example they have set....

I watched my son's classmates lose one of their own just over a year ago. Ben will not be forgotten.

I watched a 16 yr old lose his Mother & both grandmothers within 2 months. That is heartache no 16 yr old should face.

And just today, a dear friend lost his sister to a tragic accident. A Mother & Father will be doing something NO parent should ever do.   

All of this has brought me here. On the eve of a season to draw closer to Him. This will be a different season of Lent for me. I will be remembering ALL He has done for me. I have lots to be thankful for and lots to praise Him for, but I also need Him more than ever.

If God had not grabbed onto me April 11th 2002, I wold be lost and in a dark dark place. But because HE loved me first, I am not there. I have a hope beyond this life.

So I say all of this so that hopefully someone else will step back and realize that they to should take the next 40 days to remember where God has brought them from and where He is taking them. I will be "giving up something" for those 40 days. But for now that is between me and my God....

Lamentations 3:25

Sunday, March 6, 2011

2011... year of changes... again...

So it's been a long while since I have posted anything. I guess I have let "life" get in the way. And like the title says, changes... again. 

But now that I sit and think about what that means, I come to the conclusion that things are ALWAYS changing. My kids are getting older. I'm getting older ( yes I admit I am "old", but not really) so that brings on more changes. 

2010 was an interesting year. Kyle driving and all that comes with that. Ally starting High School. Me coming to the decision to change jobs. Lots of change.

But 2011 has it's own changes... 

I started a new job. Kyle is one year away from 18. Ally will be driving soon.  

Who knows what else will come.

But I know this. God will be with me every step of the way. Just as he has been. He will be who I turn to in the times of stress and worry if the right choice is being made. 

So while we are just over 2 months into 2011, I know that no matter what, I will make it. God will be my guide. 

I may still worry at times, but that comes from the Mom in me. And.... God will lead me through that...   

Lamentations 3:25

Monday, November 30, 2009

The year in review.... well kinda...

2009... what a year this has been...

Full of changes, sickness, out of country trips, camps, friends moving away, babies being born, new friendships, heartache, and happiness...

I've tried to take it all in and understand how it all fits into my life and how/who God is trying to shape me to be. (yes he's still shaping me... I'm just that stubborn) I know I may never understand it all but I'm trying...

He's allowed joy this year, and quite a bit of pain... but I'm still here... still growing and moving forward... well trying to anyway...

I'm going to have a 16yr old in less than 2 months... I don't know if I'm ready for that, but just like putting a rock on his head won't make him not grow taller, I can't keep him that little blond haired 5 yr old who couldn't wait to go see daddy on the "big boat"...

My baby girl is not a baby anymore either... she's going to be 15 next summer... wow I'm getting old...

I have 2 beautiful kids who love each other, even if they won't admit it in public, and who love their family and friends... what more can a Mom ask for...

I have a husband who still looks at me like he did when we were dating and tells me he loves me everyday more than once... He even takes me to Starbucks for dates even though he's not a big fan of "fourbucks" as he calls it...

I am blessed to work at a place where I can minister to those who are hurting, those who are looking for help for themselves or for a loved one... AND i can say "Merry Christmas" when greeting someone or answering the phone and not that happy holidays junk! hehe...

I don't know what all 2010 holds for me, but I am going to try my hardest and trust that God has plans for me, to bless me, not harm me...

He is good and all that He does is good... May your 2010 be a blessed year... even in the hard, painful times when you are not even sure you can get up out of bed... He alone will give you all you need...

Lamentations 3:25

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving... Really???

Okay I know this year has gone fast, but is it really Thanksgiving???? Seems like it was just August and Greg & I were going to Tulsa for a wedding and celebrating 16yrs of married life. Then school was starting...

Wow what a crazy few months this has been! Gonna have to dwell on this and all that has happened... lots to share!

Happy Turkey Day!


Lamentations 3:25

Sunday, June 14, 2009


why.... why does it hurt so much??? I feel like I am being suffocated... like someone has taken all that I love and tore it from me... I did not think it would hurt this much... that I would feel like this... it's only gotten more painful as the last couple of days have gone by... as everyone else has left... as I pack my own kids to go... I beg God to take this pain I feel in my heart and soul away but it's just getting more and more heavy... I don't understand!

I can't even seen to explain how I feel to my own husband... I feel like a failure as a wife for not seeing the other side of not going as a week with him... but then it's not really because we both will be working...

How do you help those who I feel look at me as "crazy" when I try and explain that this is beyond something I do on Sundays and Wednesdays... That this is something I've been CALLED to do... It's part of me... like breathing...

I don't know where to go from here... Am I making the right choices? Did I miss something God was/is telling me? Am I even in His will anymore??? I hate that I have all this doubt and questions... I KNOW He called me... I KNOW He loves me... I KNOW He saved me from my sin and brought me life... I KNOW I have made a difference in the lives of the students I have been around... So why these feelings???

I'm so tired... I just want the hurt to stop and to have understanding... I'm tired of saying "I'm fine" when someone asks if somethings wrong... I'm not fine... I'm wrestling with God and it hurts like crazy... I'm not sure if anyone is winning at this point... I'm ready for a calmness in my heart and soul... I'm tired of holding back tears everywhere I go... of crying in my car, or in the bedroom with the door shut so no one sees... and then putting on my "happy" face when I come out... Why do we do that? We all hurt and struggle... why don't we just admit it?

So much is going right in my life now... it's so hard that this one thing, this one BIG thing is causing almost everything to seem wrong when it's not...

God give me peace and understanding, take away my hurt and tears...