Monday, March 7, 2011

Season of Lent...

Tomorrow is "Fat Tuesday"....

Lent begins on Wednesday...

So much goes through my heart and mind this time of year. I am not Catholic, or Methodist, but even still the last several years I have participated in Lent. I feel like there are some traditions that truly bless spiritual lives that as a "Southern Baptist" I miss out on. I am so thankful to my sweet friend and her Husband for showing us Baptist's that it's okay to branch out and celebrate some of these traditions. What depth and joy it has brought to my life.

As I have thought and prayed about what this year of Lent is going to look like for me I have been at a loss.

And today it hit me. This last year has been a tough one for my family, the 4 in my house and my extended family that lives hundreds of miles away. There have been heavy hearts all year. Lots of grieving for family who had their live put on hold and changed forever due to the health of a son & grandson. And grieving for friends who have lost those they love. Each of those events I have done one thing. Pray. And each time, even when I don't fully understand, God has given me peace.

I have spent 11 months watching from a distance, reading the words posted, of a Mother & Grandmother of an 11 yr old boy who has been fighting for his life. And praise God he is beating the Cancer that has been attacking his body. It has been a LONG road for all of them. They are tired, beyond tired. BUT, in all of this they have praise the ONE who give life. The ONE who gives them the strength to go one each hour. What an example they have set....

I watched my son's classmates lose one of their own just over a year ago. Ben will not be forgotten.

I watched a 16 yr old lose his Mother & both grandmothers within 2 months. That is heartache no 16 yr old should face.

And just today, a dear friend lost his sister to a tragic accident. A Mother & Father will be doing something NO parent should ever do.   

All of this has brought me here. On the eve of a season to draw closer to Him. This will be a different season of Lent for me. I will be remembering ALL He has done for me. I have lots to be thankful for and lots to praise Him for, but I also need Him more than ever.

If God had not grabbed onto me April 11th 2002, I wold be lost and in a dark dark place. But because HE loved me first, I am not there. I have a hope beyond this life.

So I say all of this so that hopefully someone else will step back and realize that they to should take the next 40 days to remember where God has brought them from and where He is taking them. I will be "giving up something" for those 40 days. But for now that is between me and my God....

Lamentations 3:25

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